Hey Man, it's the Shaman!
(and greetings to Damon)

Love is the magic supreme.


General Magic

Magic of Words



Shaman, prohpet, sooth-sayer, mystic, medicine man, healer, devil's priest, weathermaker, witch, wizard, soul-carer, herb expert, magician, priest, medic, astronomer, seer, master of cermonies, visionary, astrologer, artist, singer, poet, psychologist, medium, sourceror, witchdoctor, ecstatic...


Schamane, Prophet, Wahrsager, Mystiker, Mezinimannm Heilkünstler, Teufelspriester, Wettermacher, Hexe, Hexenmeister, Seelsorger, Kräuterkundiger, Magier, Priester, Arzt, Astronom, Seher, Zeremonienmeister, Visionär, Astrologe, Künstler, Sänger, Dichter, Psychologe, Medium, Zauberer, Zauberarzt, Ekstatiker...


Tree shaman

In der festen Überzeugung, bei der ganzen Handlung nur Statist zu sein, legte ich mich nach dem Wunsche des Schamanen, der für einen Teil der Behandlung noch zwei weitere Schamaninnen hinzuzog, mit entblößtem Oberkörper auf den Tanzplatz im Freien. Die ganze Handlung dauerte über eine Stunde. Der Schamane tanzte zeitweilig so schnell und heftig, dass er wiederholt ohnmächtig zu werden schien und gehalten werden musste. Ich selbst empfand nichts dabei, aber als die Handlung beendet war und die herumstehenden Solonen mir erklärten, ich könne weggehen, stand ich auf und war gesund.

Der Asienforscher Walther Stötzner über seinen Aufenthalt bei den Solonen in der Mandschurei 1928.

I was of the solid opinion to be but a statist of the whole proceedings. Yet I laid down on the open-air dancing ground with my upper torso naked as the shaman wished, who consulted two further female shamans for part of the treatment. The proceedings lasted for more than one hour. The shaman sometimes danced so fast and strong that he was feared to faint several times and had to be held. I didn't feel anything myself, but when it was over and the bystanding Solons told me I could go, I got up and was healed.

Walther Stötzner, explorer of Asia, about his visit to the Solons in Mandshuria  1928.

Way Bozo sees it, there's sort of two extremes to Magic: ecstasy and calm, or shamanism and meditation. Both have their uses, for everything (turnturnturn) there is a season. There's a number of ways that ecstasy, trance, can be induced by. I've been experimenting with "brainwaves" for a while: certain frequencies encoded into music or noise (white brown or pink), supposed to trigger special brain functions. Can't say I noticed much effect. Me, I prefer old-fashioned methods: sex, drugs and rock'n'roll. Well, not drugs, maybe. I'm getting tired of those. But physical activity and rhythm in connection are fine. A constant drumbeat for example triggers trance just as a flickerinig light can do (or the flickering of the broken white stripe in the middle of a road which is so dangerous to tired drivers).

The Shamanism FAQ at Deoxy contains a general overview on shamanism. It should be read by anyone interested in understanding the what is meant by shamanism and what differentiates shamanism form other forms of ecstatic experience.

The FAQ of soc.religion.shamanism contains the charter for soc.religion.shamanism, details of submissions policies, and frequently asked questions culled from the articles that have appeared in the newsgroup.

There's lots more here and a discussion forum here.



The Shaman is a person with clear bones.
The Shaman is a person with a double sight.

The Shaman is a prophet.

The Shaman is a truth-sayer

Sayings in Tuvu

Der Schamane ist ein Mensch mit klaren Knochen.
Der Schamane ist ein Mensch mit doppeltem Blick.

Der Schamane ist ein Prophet.

Der Schamane ist ein Wahrsager.

Redensarten in Tuvu



Tuvu, I think, is somewhere in Inner Mongolia.

Tuvu ist irgendwo in der Inneren Mongolei, soweit ich weiß.


Or was it Inner Bongolia?

Oder war's die Innere Bongolei?


Welcome to Inner Magnolia.

Willkommen in der Inneren Magnolei.



In jenen Teilen Innerasiens, die zur Sowjetunion gehörten, wurde Schamanismus unterdrückt. Jetzt werden Schamanen und Schamaninnen wieder aktiv.

In those parts of Inner Asia that belonged to the Soviet Union, Shamanism was suppressed. Now, Shamans become active again.

(There's a study by some Estonians about Siberian shamanism.)

Der ewenkische Schamane Fedor Poligus mit einem Amulett seiner Vorfahren im Jenissej-Gouvernement, Podkamennaja Tunguska, Fotografie von A. Makarenko, 1907/08